
The public deliverables of the AI4AL project will be shared on this page.

The AI4AL Engagement kit (WP2)

The first result of the project is an Engagement Kit that facilitates educators’ direct involvement in adopting AI-based technologies in Adult Education. Engagement Kit is composed of a Methodological Guide and Scenarios Repository:

  • Methodological Guide describes the rules for the engagement of educators and learners in the process of adopting AI-based technologies in the Adult Education sector, both formal and non-formal. The Guide also contains supporting information materials about the fundamental concepts on AI, its applications in ALE, the framework of adoption in Europe and the right approach to quality-data collection. The methodological guide distills and amalgamates the knowledge of the partners and is tested by piloting partners.
  • The Scenarios Repository complements the theoretical approach of the Methodological Guide, providing a series of practical examples that derive directly from the field experience of adult educators. Piloting partners create one scenario each to be included as examples for adult educators. The online repository, implemented with Wiki technology, includes a template and a wizard that help adult educators collect their use scenarios.

the ai4al Matching tool (WP3)

The AI4AL Matching Tool links the assessment of the need for basic digital skills to the provision of valuable resources that facilitate adult educators’ design of highly personalised training paths. The intrinsic value of AI4AL will lie in the quality of the mapping between basic digital skills deficits, represented through the ESCO and DigComp frameworks, and relevant design guidelines or educational resources like micro-credentials or training courses based on micro-credentials. Educators will be involved at several steps of the matching tool development and will be able to see first-hand how their intervention will significantly influence the behaviour of the AI.

Self-paced training path development (WP4)

A training toolkit will be designed to train self-learning educators on the use of AI4AL and the application of AI technologies to the ALE sector. The toolkit includes the needs analysis, the definition of training objectives, the pedagogical framework, the curriculum, the teaching materials, and a delivery platform.

Communication and dissemination (WP5)

The Communication and Dissemination Plan specifies the objectives, tools and
activities for external communication and dissemination. The project visual identity includes logo, guidelines and website design.

D5.1 External Communication and Dissemination Plan

D5.2 Project visual identity