

AI4AL Online Capacity-Building Programme: Making the best use of AI-based tools and methodologies for adult education

The third workshop of the AI4AL capacity-building programme was organised on 27 May 2024 with focus on “Strategies for adopting AI4AL methodology and tools” with the participation of 7 adult educators.

This session was specifically designed to bring together educational organisations and AI4AL piloting partners experts to collaboratively develop strategies for adapting AI4AL methodology and tools to different organisational setups.

Valentina Brilli from EGInA started the session by providing an overview of the AI4AL Methodological Guide that describes the rules for the engagement of educators and learners in the process of adopting AI-based technologies in the Adult Learning and Education (ALE) sector. Among the topics covered in the Methodological Guide are fundamental concepts on AI, its applications in ALE, the framework of adoption in Europe and the right approach to quality-data collection. The methodological guide distills and amalgamates the knowledge of the AI4AL partners and is tested by piloting partners. 

Following this, experts and tutors shared their practical experience in using the AI4AL Matching Tool and related resources, analysing challenges and context-specific situations of participating educational organisations.

Turker Saliji and Leon Phillips from ProArbeit talked about the experience of their organisation in using the AI4AL matching tool for the integration of the inmates in the society by creating employment opportunities. Leon highlighted that the matching tool helps counselors to better understand the skills of job seekers, follow their progress and match their skills with job and training opportunities, while it helps job seekers to gain confidence by seeing that they own a set of skills that can lead to some employment opportunities.

The participants went on by sharing their insights about how such a tool can be used in their contexts and what kind of potential challenges could be faced, as well as exchanging their know-how on other tools and strategies they use in their daily work.

The AI4AL capacity-building programme consists of 4 online workshops organised during the months of May and June in parallel with the ALL DIGITAL Weeks 2024 campaign. Each workshop is specifically designed to equip educators and trainers, as well as their organisations, with the knowledge and tools to integrate AI in their practices and organisations. 

Are you an adult trainer or an educator interested in integrating AI in your daily education practices? Are you running an educational organisation and want to make AI methodologies and technologies a part of your organisational setting? You can still join our capacity-building webinars to take place on 7 June. Read more and register here.

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